Investments - Make your money work for you!
We’ll guide you through the investment process, providing all the necessary information so you can make the best decision.
KiwiSaver Investment Portfolios
Beneficial in supporting life’s big goals. Ensure it’s set up right for your needs.
Managed Funds
Investment made easy. Build a financial future that’s aligned to your values.
When Investing, it's all about your risk and return profiles. choose based on your objectives.
When looking to invest, it’s important to understand what you’re hoping to achieve and by when.
We take the time to understand what you’re wanting out of an investment. We then provide you with all the important details, so you can make an informed decision; based on what’s best for you and your circumstances. We’re based in Tauranga but can help you with your investments, no matter where you are, location is no barrier. It’s your financial wellbeing that’s important, it’s our priority.
Have funds to invest, but needing help?