Personal Insurance

Life Insurance, Mortgage Protection, Income Protection, Health Insurance, and more. We can help.

We’ve Got Your Personal Insurance Needs Covered

Often, when the word insurance is mentioned, people turn away… they don’t want to think about the ‘what ifs’. However, it’s a conversation worth having. Personal Insurance offers the safety net to protect you and your loved ones when the unexpected occurs. This type of insurance provides financial help with things like disability, illness or injury and provides support for those you leave behind.

We understand the sensitivity around insurances, which is why you’ll find we do a lot of listening and we are understanding and gentle in our approach. We can provide all your Personal Insurance information, so you can make the best decision for you and your family.

personal insurance rapson

Types of Personal Insurance

We are able to assist you with various forms of Personal Insurance.

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Mortgage Protection

Pays a monthly tax free benefit if you are unable to work. Helps to relieve financial burdens like your mortgage, rent or compensate loss of income.

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Income Protection

Provides a portion of your income if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury.

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Health Insurance

Ensures priority access to medical care and treatment when you need it most.
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Trauma Cover

Provides a lump sum payment if you suffer a serious illness like cancer, a heart attack or stroke.
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Life Insurance

Offers financial security to your family in the event of your passing.
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Total Permanent Disability Cover

Offers financial support if you become permanently disabled and are unable to work.

Insurance for Every Chapter of Life

Whether you’re beginning a family, launching a business, purchasing your first home, or transitioning into retirement, Rapson is here for you. Our insurance advisers will collaborate with you to guarantee that you, your assets, and your loved ones are thoughtfully planned for and safeguarded through all of life’s phases.

pretty girl

Age Under 19

smiling man

Ages 20 – 30

enjoying outside

Ages 30 – 40

young man sitting at cafe talking

Ages 40 – 50

smiling white man

Ages 50 – 60

old modern couple

Ages 60+

Diana McIntyre, Your Trusted Insurance Specialist

Ready to secure your future with the right insurance coverage? Diana McIntyre, our dedicated Insurance Adviser, is here to guide you every step of the way.

Call: 021 888 090

insurance specialist diana rapson

Our Tusted

Understand which insurance would be best for you

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