KiwiSaver Investment Portfolios
Beneficial in supporting life’s big goals. Ensure your KiwiSaver funds are set up right, for your needs.
Why have a kiwisaver account?
It is a retirement savings scheme which you can normally access after the age of 65, and KiwiSaver can be used as a deposit on your first home.
Having a KiwiSaver Account is only part of the equation; making sure you have the account set up and your KiwiSaver funds managed the best way for you and your situation, is really important.
Providers and types of kiwisaver funds
Booster KiwiSaver Scheme and kōura. Both offer different KiwiSaver Funds, based on your needs.
Within our Booster KiwiSaver Scheme, there are types of funds which you can choose to place your KiwiSaver deposits.
These funds include:
Balanced Fund – Includes Balanced Fund and Socially Responsible Investment Balanced Fund.
Growth Fund – Includes Balanced Growth Fund, Shielded Growth Fund, High Growth Fund, Socially Responsible Investment High Growth Fund and Geared Growth Fund.
kōura has nine different funds which can be combined to develop a personalised portfolio.
These fund types include:
Core Growth Funds – includes NZ Equities Fund, US Equities Fund, Emerging Markets Fund and Rest of the World Fund.
Core Income Funds – include Cash Fund and Fixed Interest Fund.
Speciality Growth Funds – include Property Funds, Clean Energy Fund and Carbon Neutral Cryptocurrency Fund.